Xiaoning (Maggie) Liu

School of Computing Technologies
RMIT University
Email: xiaoning.liu@rmit.edu.au

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I am a Lecturer (US Assistant Professor equivalent) at the School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University. I earned my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from RMIT University under the supervision of Prof. Xun Yi. My research pivots on building and researching secure systems to address data privacy and security issues in machine learning.
I am always looking for self-motivated students aiming for strong research! Please email me your CV, transcript, research statement, English test score.


My current research focuses on secure multi-party computation and its applications in privacy-preserving machine learning. My goal is to build impactful work that is expected to push forward the deployment of PPML on practical usages like medical diagnostics and mobile image classification. My design philosophy is:

Prospective Students

Last update: 2022/08